
Here you can Edit/Add the discounts easily.

  • To edit/add discount : Sale -> Discounts, Here in the POS section, you will find a add option and can add/edit the product details.

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    1. Title : Enter a meaning full name for discount event.

    2. Type : Select which type discount you suggest -> category,sub category,product or business.

    3. Categories : Select the product category, where it will be applied.

    4. Exclude Categories : Select the product category, that does not the coupon applies to.

    5. Products : you can select the products, Which products do you want to associate this event.

    6. Exclude Products : select exclude products, for the coupon cannot be used on.

    7. Discount Type : You can select the Discount type -> Fixed or Percentage.

    8. Discount Amount : Enter Discount Amount for the Special products. Enter only the numberic value..

    9. Start Date : Select start date of this event.

    10. Expiry Date : Select expiry date of this event.

    11. Exclude products added from : Select the date for not include products, (that products added from which date).

    12. Applicable In : Select the option for the event is applicable to -> POS, Online and Both.

    13. Give status : Select the option Active/Inactive, Acitve will show into deals and In Active will eliminate the product from deals.

    These details displayed in another screen, here you can sort and edit/delete the discount details.

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